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Client Testimonials

@ When I received the tax assessement for €16,000+ the world came to an end. No idea what to do, what do you know ... The Fixer fixed it . Incredible

David J Williams, Charente


@ After three differnt submissions for the building license and two different architects [and fees!] I believed that we were never going to get the permission to build our retirement home. We met with the planning people three times and got nowhere. We called in The Fixer who sorted it for us in a week. Still not sure how they did it.

Paul and Mary Jackson, Midi Pyrenees


@ When the crisis hit and the invoices weren't being paid we had no option than to go for a 'Liquidation Judiciaire'. Had no idea of the process or the costs, frightening experience and in over our heads. The fixers sorted the paperwork, appointed  and briefed the lawyer, and organised everything. They also stayed with us through the process. Couldn't have done it without them that's for sure.

Mr A [Company name witheld on request]


@ A company that I used to do business with in the UK before moving to France suddenly decided that I, and my new company owed them over £185,000 for unpaid invoices and machinery that was sold but never paid for - In their dreams. They even hired a strong arm lawyer who really put the pressure on, lots of threatening letters etc. Even though it was rubbish I couldn't make it go away. Called in The Fixer who sorted it for me and took all the strain.  Guys, thank you.

John T [Company name witheld on request]


@ We met all the requirements for CPAM membership but after two meetings at their offices with ALL the paperwork in place  we had nothing. Couldn't afford private medical coverage so had to do something. The Fixer had been recommended to us so we asked them if they could help. Here we are, Carte Vitale and no problems. Just goes to show that if you know what you're doing, things happen.

Roger and Cheryl, Herault


@ Had never negotiated a Distributor Agreement before and didn't want to get taken advantage of. The Fixer took care of the paperwork and concluded the negotiation on, for me, fantastic terms. A year into the deal and we're looking to set up our third depot. All down to The Fixer.

Petra Harrison, Food Imports and Distribution SA


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